National Wildlife Day
This Sunday, the 4th, is National Wildlife Day! To celebrate, we're sharing the info about our new XPANDA product with you all!

Cheat Sheet
Happy Monday! We know how Mondays are, so we have a feeling you're stressed. Here are a few less things that you'll have to remember for...
Be Kind to Humankind
Surprise! It's Be Kind to Humankind Week! From today until August 31st, this link will give you things you can focus on in order to make...
Tip of the Day
I know a lot of people that are basically clueless about furnaces and furnace filters. Whether you just bought a home, are renting an...

Amazon Page
Come check out our branded store front on Amazon.com for great deals on furnace filters, humidifier filters, and accessories! Instead of...
Relaxation Day
There's nothing better than hearing that today, a Monday, is National Relaxation Day! What a perfect way to start the week. Kick back,...

Pet Filters
Fun fact: We are the inventors of the pet filter! Our pet filters are great for odor control, which is a common problem with household...

Can your water quality effect the life of your filter? Yes, harder water causes a shorter filter life! For more information, visit...
Water Quality Month
August has been named National Water Quality Month, so make an effort to keep your water sources clean! Visit the Products tab or...
New to the humidifier scene?
Many of us search the internet for "How-tos" daily and could easily spend hours searching for the right answer! RPS wants to save you...